Standard Access: There are no hourly charges for Standard Access Accounts under 200 hours usage per month. (.25 per Hour charge applies over 200 hours). You get fast and reliable analog connections at 28K, 33.6K, or 56K. Other digital connections at 64K and 128K are available in most areas. ICSISP reserves the right to refuse access (during peak usage times) to users who exceed the 200 hour per month standard. Live Support Specialists: ICSISP will give you live support for IE and Netscape browser configurations and provide assistance with your email program and Internet connection. Our help desk is open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, and 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday. Late Payment: If an account is not paid within 10 days of invoice date then a late fee of $5.00 will be assessed. If an account is not paid within 14 days from the invoice date it will be put on-hold. If the account is not paid within 21 days from the invoice date the account will be terminated and advance payment will be applied to final month. In the event a Subscriber issues a bad check or if a credit card is denied, the Subscriber agrees to pay ICSISP a service charge of $20.00. Payment Methods: ICSISP webmaster@icsisp.com |